Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Baseball and So Much More

10 minutes for school there are 3 stadiums! What?????? Indians, Cavaliers, and the Browns. I'm not sure when then last time I went to a baseball game was, but I think I was about 14, and I forgot how awesome they are. Not to mention it was Elvis night. Also, every Friday there is a fireworks show set to music by the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame which is just a few minutes from the stadium.  So baseball games are so fun, if I didn't mention it earlier.

OCPM is a very social school, and there are tons of events. There are a lot of clubs on campus, and as such lots of opportunities to get involved and take a break from school for one reason or another. OPMSA or the Ohio Podiatric Medicine Student Association hosted a student night at the Cleveland Indians. It just so happened to be one of the first of many events of the year and since my wife had never been to a major league baseball game it seemed like a really good opportunity to get out and see the town. It was a really popular event, and lots of students came, it was super fun to hang out with friends and get to know some people outside of class.

All of the stadiums are really close to downtown Cleveland and the stadiums surround an awesome atmosphere for pre and post-game activities. I think that I will reserve  a restaurant review for a later post. But, suffice it to say, a night out to the ball game can be so much more than just a baseball game. Needless to say, we had an absolute blast, and can't wait to go again. 
Oh yeah, did I mention THEY WON!!!!!!

Monday, August 15, 2011

White Coat Ceremony

One of the things I notice that distinguishes a doctor is his white coat. I never knew exactly why they wore them. I think now that I have my first white coat it makes more sense.

The white coat isn't just a uniform worn by medical professionals. It is symbol of who they are. A coat historically has been worn in the form of a mantle or a tunic showing power and authority even dating back to biblical times worn by priests and kings. Today it is rare to see people of power giving an address without a coat in one form or another. Secondly, coats or gowns are worn at graduations symbolizing knowledge. When Issac Newton was the head of Trinity College, Cambdridge, he wore a coat symbolizing the knowledge he had gained. The third point is the color, white. White is the color of purity. All doctors are held to the highest standard of purity. They must be pure and ethical in all they do. Doctors must be honest and fair to their patients, regardless of the outcome.

A couple weeks ago I was given the opportunity to receive my first white coat. I must admit that while I stood there receiving my coat, I was caught up so much in the excitement of receiving the coat that I forgot to take a moment and really realize what I was taking on. Not just a coat, but power, authority, knowledge, and most of all purity. After receiving the white coat, we stood as a class ready to embark, and we took an oath, an oath that I must remember every time I wear my coat. It reads:

     We the Class of 2015/2016, are committed to the following,

     To treat patients in a professional manner with intergrity and empathy
     To practice compassion and humility towards all patients in an unbiased manner
     To respect the humanity of all patients
     To guide patients through the most appropriate course of care
     To practice in a manner that augments selflessness and commitment
     To demand excellence of ourselves in practice of poditatry through lifelong learning in order to provide the highest standard of patient care
     To promote and support educational institutions and colleagues through awareness of podiatric medicine
     To dedicate ourselves to being accountable and ethical leaders in our communities and to uphold these commitments with solidarity and confidence as Doctors of Podiatric medicine.

In the oath that I took, I promised to my self and to all others these things. I know that this is a huge task, and a huge obligation, but I know that I can do it.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Introduction

My name is Trevor Tippets, I am a first year podiatry student at the Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine. I can say that it feels like I am coming to an end of a very long road. And yes, it feels great! This is the beginning of the end.

As far as background goes, I don't think you need my whole life story so I'll start at the middle somewhere. I grew up in Colorado and attended Cherry Creek High School. I attended BYU-Idaho and finished my degree in Exercise and Sport Science with a minor in chemistry. During college I took two years off to serve a mission in Birmingham, England. Following college I got married to my wife Amy. We moved to Oregon following the wedding and that is where this story really begins.

I began thinking about podiatry in the beginning of my junior year in college. Podiatry was a way for me to meet my personal goals while still allowing me time to spend with my family. It could not have been more perfect for me and what I wanted out of life. So, making the decision to apply to podiatry school was done. Now I just needed to apply and pick my top choices for school. My top choice from the beginning was OCPM. I wanted to go here because of the great experiences of a few of my friends, not only at the school but the area. Now, I know what you are thinking, Cleveland? And yes, Cleveland is awesome. Cleveland is a very diverse city with a wide variety of cultures around the globe. It doesn't just stop at culture either, there is a ton of stuff to do here. Cleveland has some of the best restaurants I have eaten at hands down, as well as some of the most awesome parks I have ever seen. The city has major league sports teams in almost every professional league. Not to mention some of the best broadway shows and concerts in the nation. Also, compared to almost all the other podiatry schools the cost of living in Cleveland is significantly less.

So when decision time came it really was a no brainer for myself and my wife. We are both very happy here with the location, friends, and prospect of raising our family in a great place. I am glad to say, Ohio is my home.