Friday, September 14, 2012

Pre-exam Prank

Welcome back to school everyone! Our first set of exams is underway, and everyone seems a little stressed and understandably so.

I too was feeling a little stressed last night until I came across a certain youtube video that I had to share with the class.

I decided to pretend that I had asked a question to a professor and his reply was in the form of a video that I could watch for further explanation. Essentially I RickRoll'd my class (look up RickRoll if you aren't sure what it is, you'll laugh, or watch this video to learn more.) Yes I know, probably not the most professional thing to do, but what's a life without laughing a little bit right? The body of the email was as follows:

"I asked [anonymous teacher] a question today regarding nails specifically onychomycosis. He replied and said that there was a video that explained the types from the article very well. He said that on the video it mentions onychomycosis and deals specifically with exam material regarding onychomycosis. I suggest everyone watch it as it will be very beneficial. Thanks and good luck. 

Trevor Tippets"

I got a few laughs and I hopefully lightened the mood for some. If you haven't seen this video you should. It's amazing! Good luck to all of you in your exams!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! This is the best thing, Thank you so much for taking the time to share such a nice information.
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